- Former sergeant 1 with the Royal Marechaussee (Military Police),

- Former Police officer with the Amsterdam Police Force,

- Entrepreneur ( co-) fouder Xion Protective Gear, Batavae Training & Consultancy, Skjaldborg International and Co-founder Public Order Management Academy POMA)

- International Speaker, trainer (Expert tactical training, Public Order Management, Implementation of new vision and Tactics) 

*Husband and Father!


Over the past 2 decades, I have been involved with designing The Best Impact Protection system against blunt force trauma in the World. Whilst on this journey, I've visited with many Special Forces of Police and Military all over the World. On the one hand explaining the New Way of protecting the body from blunt force trauma, on the other hand getting information from them about the situations they are having to deal with. We used this information and incorporated this into the designs!

I've studied developments in, world Politics, Social / Group Behaviours and trends vs. Crowd Management/tactics used by lawenforcement and have come to some very interesting conclusions. This in turn put me on my path to help create new understandings of what's in use as Crowd Management systems, why we do it that way and help implement these changes in Vision and Tactics, that are actually of this time!


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